There are four words that God keeps giving to me.

"Draw near to Me."

"Romantic Love, I think it requires a degree of physical attraction but devotion is needed to maintain it as an actual relationship, Physical attraction is a feeling you don't really have control over, but devotion is something that has to be chosen. So ideally I suppose its passion combined with the commitment to value someone else completely above oneself" -Angela N. Blount

More and more, I experience such an intimate, personal, and romantic side of the Lord in my life. I had never really understood divine romance until now, where I am finally at a specific vulnerable place in my life that He had been calling me to. A vulnerable place where I had never used my courage and my bravery to explore before-- out of fear, out of a desire for safety, and out of a hope that was solely built on my own expectations and desires. 

Day by day, I am learning more about what it looks like to let go of fears to let go of everything in order to be in a daily commitment with the one who made me. 
This past Tuesday I heard my pastor Mario Barahona (whom is one of the most amazing Pastors Ive ever met)  gave a sermon about being thirsty. It was amazing. One specific thing that stood out to me was this quote  "You can't treat God in your life as a cheap date"

A real relationship requires sacrifice & commitment.

This relationship shapes who you are and is the most important relationship you'll ever had. 

Devotion means to choose.  To choose either to be thirsty or numb.When  you can't see the God whom you worship, when you can't sense a God with your own five senses; I believe There is this supernatural sixth sense that throughout time he develops in your soul; if you are willing to choose devotion over physical is through faith. This is a longing-heart-for-the one-who- created-you sense (Its pretty long :P ) it grows deeper and deeper as you chose over and over again as you choose to give your fully devotion to Him. 

God wants us to develop this six sense in communicating with him to choose him over and over even if there is no physical seeing sense. 

God wants to realign our hearts with His own, and sometimes that means being so uncomfortable taking down what you most want, letting go of your fears, being brave & stepping down into the unknown. 

This sixth sense is developed through thirst- you make a commitment even when the only places of privacy are in the restroom or  your car. 

This sense is  developed when doing his will even if it costs you everything 

And it sure hurts like hell, but God gives me this weird peace.

                    (Imagenes porque tengo un poco de nostalgia por caminar las calles de mi bello Mexico)

I firmly believe in the peace of God, and I believe that there is an all-encompassing, comfortingly strange peace that fills your being whenever you are in the will of the One who made you. There is an unsettling vulnerability, a fear of the unknown, and yet there is a peace that pushes you to completely rest on the pure love that is only found in His presence.

  It is a peace that cannot rest on my own flesh, but a peace that must choose to trust that God knows what it best for me, more than I do or ever will.

 A trust that knows that God is sovereign over every single aspect of my life. A trust that marches through the foggy areas with complete confidence, as if you know what you're doing... but you really don't. And that's okay, because it's a partner dance with the Holy Spirit. 

He beckons us and says, A trust that firmly grips onto those very words that He has been whispering into my ear every single day.

I currently live in a small back house with two friends whom I call sisters, its  50 mins away from my house without traffic. Its been truly an adventure while we struggle and enjoy working to be in Gods calling preparing for his kingdom advancing. 

 We struggle in not sometimes having food, struggle with all the piles of stress daily, the amount of fears we carry, we struggle in being brave continuing to persevere to wake up and keep being & adulating. 

We long to be home with our families free of being uncomfortable. We miss our little sister's growing up stage and so much more.

We learn to live with each other, we learn to comfort each other and be better sisters.

 We learn to make our home safe and we are learning to let God teach us how to love each other even in the midst of struggles. 

We see each others commitment to our God in how the three of us are going to bible colleges growing  in the process of this beautiful tapestry of Gods purpose which every once a while it gets messy, there is tears but we have the assurance that all is worth it. 

Ive been reading this book surrender to love by David Benner, the First chapter has this quote:

"I don't believe in God, I know God"

He then explains this quote coming from the bible "Eternal life is this; to know you, the only one true God, and Jesus whom you have sent" (John 17:3)

"Any authentic spiritual journey must grow from direct, personal experience go God. There is no substitute for a genuine encounter with Perfect Love . Knowing God is not simply a matte of believing certain things about him. Personal knowledge goes beyond objective knowing".
 -David Benner

This intercourse between God and the soul can be known as certainly as we know material things through our five senses; it can be reality on which we build our life.

Paul discovered this transformation of what perfect love does..
 My response is to get down on my knees before the Father, this magnificent Father who parcels out all heaven and earth. I ask him to strengthen you by his Spirit—not a brute strength but a glorious inner strength—that Christ will live in you as you open the door and invite him in. And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:14-19 MSG) 

//Filled with the utter fullness of God//

Genuinely meeting God in love offers an opportunity to move beyond sentimentalism and emotionalism it offers a chance to truly encounter love, to critically reflect on the meaning of love and to ground oneself in it.  
-David Benner

"Draw near to Me, and I will draw near to you."

Your unworthiness is swallowed up by his Love.
-Paul Washer 

Simple Joys are , Holy.


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